SIMICON GmbH, Sigmund-Riefler-Bogen 19, 81829 München, Tel. +49-89-673366-0
Biological indicator for steam sterilization processes at
121 °C / 134 °C
Cfu > 105, D-value > 1,5 min
SIMICON ST/DA is a biological indicator, which is designed for the validation and routine control of steam sterilization processes.
SIMICON ST/DA indicators contain populations of Geobacillus stearothermophilus and comply with the requirements of ISO 11138-3.
Biological indicator for steam sterilization processes at
121 °C / 134 °C
Cfu > 106, D-value > 1,5 min
SIMICON ST/DA-V6 is a biological indicator, which is designed for the validation and routine control of steam sterilization processes.
SIMICON ST/DA-V6 indicators contain populations of Geobacillus stearothermophilus and comply with the requirements of ISO 11138-3.
für die Dampfsterilisation
von Flüssigkeiten.
KBE > 105
Der Bio-Indikator SIMICON FLDA ist zur mikrobiologischen Validierung und Routinekontrolle der Flüssigkeitssterilisation geeignet.
Die Verwendung dieser Bio-Indikator-Ampullen ist nur für Flüssigkeitssterilisatoren mit thermisch kontrollierter Rückkühlung zulässig.
SIMICON FLDA Bio-Indikatoren enthalten als Testkeim Geobacillus stearothermophilus und entsprechen den Anforderung der ISO 11138-3.
H2O2 decontamination
Cfu > 106
SIMICON OX is a biological indicator, according to ISO 14937, for decontamination processes with H2O2.
SIMICON OX indicators contain populations of Geobacillus stearothermophilus and comply with the requirements of ISO 14937.
Biological indicator for dry heat sterilization processes
Cfu > 106
SIMICON DH/HL is a biological indicator, which is designed for the validation and routine control of dry heat sterilization processes and complies with the requirements of ISO 11138-4.
SIMICON DH/HL indicators contain populations of Bacillus subtilis.
Biological indicator for testing ethylene oxide gas sterilization processes
Cfu > 106, D-value: > 2,0 min
SIMICON EO is a biological indicator, which is designed for the validation and routine control of ethylene oxide sterilization processes.
SIMICON EO indicators contain populations of Bacillus atrophaeus and comply with the requirements of ISO 11138-2.
Biological indicator for formaldehyde gas sterilization processes
Cfu > 105, D-value: > 6 min
SIMICON FA is a biological indicator, which is designed for the validation and routine control of formaldehyde gas sterilization processes, according to DIN EN ISO 14180.
SIMICON FA indicators contain populations of Geobacillus stearothermophilus and comply with the requirements of ISO 11138-5.